I will provide a free telephone consultation to discuss the kind of help you are looking for and to determine how that can best be arranged. If scheduling or insurance limitations pose problems, I will help you find a psychologist serving Cambridge, MetroWest, and the Boston area whose clinical work I respect.
To protect the confidentiality of my clients and to assure a more rapid response, I prefer not to use e-mail for clinical purposes. For a more personal, confidential response, please call or email me.
Phone: (617) 499-9992
Click Here to Email Me
After we have scheduled a time to meet, I will ask you to print out the Mental Health Summary and Treatment Agreement below and to bring them to your first appointment. Filling them out in advance will save us time in the first session so that we can use our time most productively.
If you are currently seeing a psychopharmacologist or primary care doctor who prescribes medications for anxiety or depression, or if, in the past year, you have seen a psychotherapist for individual, couples or group therapy, it would also be useful to fill out the Release of Information form allowing the possibility of conferring about your treatment. (Please bring in the form, even if you want to discuss it further with me before filling it out).
If you are 65 years or older, please also print out and bring in the Medicare Release form.