Supervision and consultation by a senior clinician can be useful for enhancing clinical skill, for adding clinical perspective, and for the development of a successful private practice.
Ongoing supervision, individually or in groups, can be useful for skill development and for maximizing therapeutic effectiveness.
Even seasoned therapists at times are confronted with clinical situations that are baffling. In these situations, the fresh perspective provided by consultation with an experienced therapist can prove useful.
Practice development consultation for senior therapists, as well as those in early and mid career can prevent burnout and maximize professional satisfaction. Consultation with a psychotherapist who has developed a robust and rewarding professional practice can help move a struggling clinical practice to new heights of success.
Choosing a Clinical Supervisor or Practice Development Consultant
For consultation around practice development and practice management, choose a therapist who knows how to maximize the gain and minimize the pain of clinical practice. A good choice is a therapist who has a highly successful practice and not only has an effective web presence but also understands other aspects of effective professional marketing. Read about how working with a professional development coach can improve your private practice.
For clinical supervision, choose a therapist who has a track record of teaching and training, as well as supervising – one who has a passion for doing psychotherapy and is able to transmit an appreciation for what makes psychotherapy so intriguing.
For consultation on a difficult case, choose a psychotherapist who has expertise dealing specifically with the kind of clinical problems that you are struggling with.
Choose a senior clinician whose orientation and style of working with clients either matches your own approach or who is proficient at the kind of work at which you wish to get better.
Choose a supervisor or consultant that you would not only enjoy interacting with for supervision or consultation, but with whom you would value the ongoing opportunity to interact around cases that the supervisor might refer.